Sunday, January 6, 2013

Website Version 2.0

New Website

New and Improved website!

Mobile Suit: OZ - 00MS Tallgeese


Took what I thought would be a quick break from the Air Traffic Control Room environment to make something small and not so time consuming. Definitely didn't think making Mobile Suit would take so long.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Air Traffic Control Room - Support Structures

Window Dividers
Window Dividers from the outside.

Window Dividers
Window dividers from the inside.

Roof Support Beams
Roof support beams from up above.

Roof Support Beams
Roof support beams from inside.

Window Divider High Poly
Window divider High poly from Autodesk Maya.

Window Divider High Poly
Roof Support Beam High poly from Autodesk Maya.

Finished modeling the Dividers for the curved windows, as well as the main support structures to hold up the roof.

Improved the lighting too. Tried to make it so the shadows didn't look so dark.

Up next will be the roof and a section of the central pillar.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Air Traffic Control Room - Second Floor Walls and Ceilings




Second Floor Wall

Second Floor Ceiling

Second Floor Wall Endsection

Second Floor Ceiling Endsection

Second Floor Glass Windows

Alrighty, Added some modular wall, glass, and ceiling meshes for the second floor. Also created some unique meshes that will connect the cylindrical room to a hallway.

I also wanted to get rid of the 2048 texture I was using for the two floor meshes on the second floor. The original 1024 texture was too blurry, so I decided to use a 2048 texture instead. I then realized that a 2048 texture was pretty costly memory wise, and re-arranged some UV's and split the meshes making up the second floor on to two 1024 textures.

The underside of the second floor ceiling is noticeable blurry which bugs me, but the ceiling will eventually be covered with an ventilation system.

Up next is some support-like beams to keep the windows in place.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Air Traffic Control Room - Adding Color





I Thought it might be wise to start adding some color, even If it's just flat colors under an occlusion map.

I went on and textured the center bottom floor just because I've never properly created metal textures in the past, and knew the practice would be good for me.

The purple you see on the center floor mesh is a reflection of a skydome I found in UDK. I figured out how to get nice chrome reflections working in the material editor and incorporated it with the diamond plating on the mesh (Don't worry, my diamond plating Isn't actually purple).

Also, I've been trying to keep the colors constant with the meshes that are seen the most (such as the floors and walls). Here's the color pallet I've been using:


I'm sure some colors are likely to change as the project goes on, but I'm pretty comfortable with so far.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Air Traffic Control Room - Stairs Railing



The above picture is just showing a work in progress of the railing (the modular pieces of the stairs, as well as the curved railing around the grate). I'll occasionally throw in an unfinished version of a model into UDK to make sore things are correct before I finish the model.




Safety first, amiright?

Here's the railing for the stairs, as well as the guard rail for the second floor.

I'm pretty proud of myself for how they all came out. I wanted to make sure the aesthetics of the balusters matched the rest of the theme of the room.

The only thing I didn't like was how I wasn't able to make the railing to the stairs more modular. There were a few pieces I could only use once, but I was able to re-use assets.

I think I'll start texturing some things now (I've actually already started) just to get some color into the scene.

Air Traffic Control room - Second Floor Grate



Here's the grate. I'll have to put some sort of support beam underneath it so I doesn't look like it's just hanging off of the second floor.

You can also see a work in progress of a railing in the top picture.